Organization and Users
Your organization, user groups, and user information can be managed systematically.
Update Organization Information
Your organization/entity information is optional and can be updated by sending a PUT request to /v1/organization
In addition to a valid JWT, here are the list of fields you can update:
- streetAddress
- city
- state
- postalCode
- description
- bankName
- accountName
- accountNumber
- sortCode
A successful response contains status code 200.
A failed response contains a 4xx or 5xx error code with details in the response body. Please refer to this REST API Tutorial for the full list of all HTTP status codes.
Get Organization Information
To get your organization information, send a GET request to /v1/organization
A successful response contains status code 200 with the following fields in the body, in addition to the list above:
- id
- organizationName
- participantType
A failed response contains a 4xx or 5xx error code with details in the response body. Please refer to this REST API Tutorial for the full list of all HTTP status codes.
Create Groups
One or more groups can be created by sending a POST request to /v1/organization/{id}/groups with the field groupNames in the body, which takes a list of groupNames in String.
A successful response contains status code 201 and the list of groups. Each group contains:
- groupName
- id
A failed response contains a 4xx or 5xx error code with details in the response body. Please refer to this REST API Tutorial for the full list of all HTTP status codes.
Get Groups
To get the list of all groups in your organization, send a GET request to /v1/organization/{id}/groups
A successful response contains status code 200 with the list of all group id and groupName.
A failed response contains a 4xx or 5xx error code with details in the response body. Please refer to this REST API Tutorial for the full list of all HTTP status codes.
Invite Users
One or more users can be added/invited by sending a POST request to /v1/organization/{id}/groups/{groupName}/users
For each user, the following fields should be included in the request body:
- username
- role: one of "Viewer", "Editor", "Reviewer", "Admin"
- groupName
A successful response contains status code 200.
A failed response contains a 4xx or 5xx error code with details in the response body. Please refer to this REST API Tutorial for the full list of all HTTP status codes.
Get Users
To get the list of all users in your organization, send a GET request to /v1/organization/{id}/users
To get all users from a certain group, send a GET reques to /v1/organization/{id}/groups/{groupName}/users
A successful response contains status code 200 with the list of all users. Each user contains:
- id
- username
- role: one of "Viewer", "Editor", "Reviewer", "Admin"
- groupName
- groupId
Edit User Groups or Roles
You can update the roles or groups of a user by sending a PUT request to /v1/users. Adding a valid group name within your organization to the request will assign the user to that group. If a request is sent and a group that the user is already in is not included, they will be removed from that group.
An example request would look like the following below:
"email":"[email protected]",
A failed response contains a 4xx or 5xx error code with details in the response body. Please refer to this REST API Tutorial for the full list of all HTTP status codes.